Creating a Work Order

Created by Ezra Weinstein, Modified on Thu, 16 May 2024 at 11:03 AM by Kate Arrowood

To create a work order, first add your service as an Item (for example: gun repair, cleaning, or general gunsmithing). You can create a Category called Services to put all of them under. When you're creating your Item/Service, make sure that the Is Service box is checked:

Under Pricing, you can select the boxes to Change Cost Price During Sale and Override Default Tax.

To start a Work Order, go into the Sales Screen and click on Sales. From there you can click on Word Order:

You can add your Service and then add a new item right from the Sales screen. This Item will be the one that is receiving the Work Order. 

The information you add will be kept in record by your Bound Book.

*Note: Making the gun quantity -1 will ensure that you are acquiring it in your bound book. Once all of the information is entered and saved, the item will be added to your Work Order screen. Click 'Save Order'

You can find your Work Orders under Suspended Sales

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